Bentley Navigator is used by infrastructure teams to review and analyze project information. With highly versatile viewing capabilities, Bentley Navigator delivers a more intuitive user experience and improves the interactive quality of information. This alone enables greater project insight and helps avoid costly on-site errors. In addition, teams can analyze projects virtually - to detect and resolve clashes and to simulate project schedules - they can augment data by registering comments in the i-models, and they can produce 2D and 3D PDFs for consumption by a wider audience.
View, Analyze, and Augment Project Information
Bentley Navigator V8i is the dynamic collaboration software used by infrastructure teams to interactively view, analyze, and augment project information. Bentley Navigator better leverages the interactive nature of information stored inside Bentley i-models for high-performance visualization. This in turn enables greater project insight to help teams avoid costly on-site errors.
With Bentley Navigator V8i, users can:
Open i-models, native DGN and DWG files, and point cloud files with one software product
Explore models naturally and intuitively in real time
Manipulate view settings to interactively change data display on screen
Find business intelligence behind the geometry with ease
Measure distances, areas, volumes with complete engineering precision
Simulate what-ifs, optimize schedules, dynamically resolve clashes
Group and classify items by leveraging the intelligence behind the content
Mark up i-models with simple geometry, register and preserve comments
Produce rich 2D/3D PDFs, create photorealistic images and animations